By Jarot Sri Hermawan
English Version
I sign determines the direction of thread run-out; there is no thread run-out if I is omitted;
Example: G00 X100 Z100
G33 W-40 K3 I5 P2 ; End point (Z60,X105)
2) G33 end face taper thread: as Fig. 4-10
P is negative; W sign determines the direction of the thread run-out; I sign is invalid;
Example: G00 Z100 X20
G33 U20.7 W-8.3 K3 I1.6 P-2 ; end point (Z90.10,X40.70)
By : Jarot Sri Hermawan
Bahasa Indonesia
I Tanda menentukan arah Of the thread run-out; tidak
ada benang run-out jika I dihilangkan ;
Contoh: G00 X100 Z100
G33 W-40 K3 I5 P2 ;Poin Akhir
(Z60, X105)
2) G33 Muka ujung benang lancip: pada gambar. 4-10
P adalah negatif; tanda W menentukan arah thread run-out, l tanda tidak valid;
Contoh: G00 Z100 X20
G33 U20.7 W-8.3 K3 I1.6 P-2 ;Pon
Akhir ( Z90.10, X40.70)
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