Minggu, 08 September 2013

Halaman 196

By : Much.Taufik

Examplethread lead: 2mm, cutting depth: 2.5mm (diameter valuecutting twice) as Fig. 4-13: (Contoh : thread line : 2mm, kedalaman pemotongan : 2.5mm(nilai diameter, dua kali pemotongan) sebagai Fig. 4-13 )

N0000 G00 X25 Z5                     ; Approaching the workpiece (N0000 G00 X25 Z5 ; Mendekati the workpiece)
N0010 G01 X23.5 F100             ; Tool infeed 1.5 mm (diameter programming) (N0010 G01 X23.5 F100 ; Tool infeed 1.5mm(pemrograman diameter))
N0020 G33 Z-50 P2 K2.5 I5.0    ; First thread cutting (N0020 G33 Z-50 P2 K2.5 I5.0 ; pemotongan thread pertama)
N0030 G00 X26                         ; (N0030 G00 X26)
N0040 Z5                                   ; Return to the starting point (N0040 Z5 ; Kembali ke titik awal)
N0050 G01 X22.5                      ; Second tool infeed 1mm (N0050 G01 X22.5 ; Tool infeed 1mm kedua)
N0060 G33 Z-50 P2 K2.5 I5.0             ; Second thread cutting (N0060 G33 Z-50 P2 K2.5 I5.0 ; pemotongan thread kedua)
N0070 G00 X26                         ; (N0070 G00 X26 ;)
N0080 Z5                                   ; Z returns to starting point (N0080 Z5 ; kembali ke titik awal Z)
N0090 M30 (N0090 M30)

4.5 G32 Tapping Cycle (G32 – Siklus tapping)

Command format(Format Perintah)
G32 ZW)_ PE)_ H_ ; Z axis taping (G32 Z(W)_ P(E)_ H_ ; Z axis taping)


Z(W): Position which the taping is performed to; Z is the absolute coordinate of Z axis, and W
is the relative coordinate of Z axis; the user can use either relative coordinate or
absolute coordinate. The relative coordinate is the movement amount relative to the
(current position Z(W): yang mana posisi the taping adalah melakukan; Z adalah koordinat mutlak dari Z axis, dan W adalah koordinat relative dari Z axis; pengguna dapat menggunakan koordinat relative atau koordinat mutlak. Koordinat relative adalah banyaknya pergerakan relative ke posisi sekarang)
PMetric thread lead; (Untaian metrik utama)
EInch thread lead; (Untaian Inci utama)
HExecution mode symbol (Reserved invalid) (Simbol mode pengerjaan(milik tidak sah))

Word range[Jarak kata]

Z, W-9999.999mm9999.999mm
E0.060 teeth/inch25400.000 teeth/inch

Relative parameters(Parameter relative)

Parameters related to G32: P100, P103, P106, P112, P113, P114. (Parameter berhubungan ke G32: P100, P103, P106, P112, P113, P114.)


G32 Z tapping cycle execution process: (G32 Z menekan proses siklus eksekusi)
Spindle rotation starts; Z axis feeds for tapping. (1. Awal perputaran spindle; pemakanan Z axis untuk tapping.)

Spindle OFF. (2. Spindle mati)

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